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Why Do I Need Proof of Insurance for My Handyman Business?

Handyman who Starting a Well Protected and Fully Covered Handyman Business

Handyman businesses often find themselves wondering why they would need a general liability insurance policy. Most handyman businesses consist of either one or a handful of workers. Sometimes the thought of revising the budget to account for insurance costs seems unjustifiable, if there hasn’t been a liability issue …

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Risk Retention Groups (Explanation)

Principal Banner of Risk Retention Groups Explanation

Contractors Liability: What is a risk retention group? The Liability Risk Retention Act (LRRA) is a federal law that was passed by Congress in 1986 to help U.S. businesses, professionals, and municipalities obtain contractors liability insurance, which had become either …

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Owner Controlled Insurance Program | Contractors Insurance

executive handing over a pen to sign an insurance contract

An owner controlled insurance program is a centralized insurance program usually procured for either specific construction projects or multiple construction contracts. The reason why general contractors and builders need to get this OCIP is because it will be able to cover all the project interests of the contractors and sub-contractors that will participate in the project. The general contractor will be able to maintain risk control and take up the management and administration of the insurance policy. The owner controlled insurance program is different from a contractor-arranged insurance program because under the latter, each individual contractor has to get his own insurance policy on different terms and conditions, limits and insurance coverage.