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Affordable HVAC Contractor’s Insurance

Find out how we can save you up to 20% on HVAC Contractor’s Insurance …

We make sure your business is protected from the unexpected with the best HVAC Contractor’s Insurance Policy.

Let our experienced agents negotiate the most competitive quotes for you while getting comprehensive HVAC Contractor’s coverage.

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What Is HVAC Contractor’s Insurance?

HVAC Contractor’s Insurance is related to general liability insurance, distinguishing itself by providing areas of coverage specific to heating and air conditioning installation and maintenance.

But if you happen to be running a business that specializes in HVAC services, you run the risk of not being covered when accidents that are commonplace in your line of work occur.

Contractor’s Liability has studied the ins and outs of this trade, and we use our knowledge to provide an insurance plan that is specifically tailored to your business.

Without air conditioning, some people literally might not survive the summer. Without heating, some people literally might not survive the winter.

HVAC contractors, the tradesmen who install or perform maintenance on heating or air conditioning units, are the ones responsible for the luxury of having your home at the perfect temperature in all seasons.

HVAC Contractor’s Insurance Cost

Rates will vary based on several factors every trade is subject to. We fully empathize with the fact that not everyone appreciates the necessity of an HVAC contractor’s work, which is why do our very best to educate these tradesmen about the factors involved in determining the quote. With that knowledge, they can work on getting lower rates in the future.

That said, Contractor’s Liability is more than willing to share a few of those factors right now.

  • Company tenure

    If an HVAC contracting company has been in the business a long time and has a relatively clean accident record, their insurance quote is likely to be lower.

    As customers assess the risk associated with younger companies untested by time, so do insurance companies.

  • Your company’s accident history

    Accidents happen, otherwise there’d be no need for insurance at all. However, if your company has a track record of having many accidents over a short period of time, it’s likely you’ll receive a higher rate, a lower limit, or both.

  • Your Credit History

    Low scores tell insurance providers that your company’s ability to pay month-to-month or quarter-to-quarter is unreliable, which can affect your ability to even receive a policy.

  • Your employees

    A business specializing in a trade is nothing without its journeymen. Thus, insurance agencies consider how well your employees have been trained, where they went to vocational school, the current age of employees, how long they’ve been in business and their individual histories.

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As A Disclaimer

Just because insurance companies consider these factors, doesn’t mean every approach to these factors is shared by every company out there. Your needs, your background, and your history make your company and every other company out there unique – which is why we work with you to get you the best quote possible.

HVAC Contractor’s Insurance Rates And Coverage

This table displays typical rates and coverage for HVAC Contractor’s General Liability for $1 Million/$2 Million Policy.

State Coverage Guard Next Insurance Liberty Mutual Attune Nation Wide Tokio Marine
IL 1M/2M $1819 $689 $1826 $1223 $1788 $936
IN 1M/2M $1733 $610 $1745 $1158 $1715 $936
CA 1M/2M $1835 $798 $1850 $1256 $1794 $1100
PA 1M/2M $1710 $680 $1745 $1158 $1741 $936
WA 1M/2M $1736 $650 $1750 $1140 $1736 $775
GA 1M/2M $1720 $660 $1745 $1120 $1700 $800
CO 1M/2M $1720 $642 $17000 $1110 $1690 $800
TX 1M/2M $1720 $610 $1700 $1096 $1720 $750

Annual premium above includes unlimited certificates of insurance.

Rating assumes 150,000 gross revenues for HVAC Contractors/general contracting with 10% subcontractor costs.

Premium are subject to underwriting approval and financing charges may apply.

What Happens If I Don’t Get HVAC Contractor’s Insurance?

If not having general liability insurance is illegal in your state of operation, the government may fine you for it. However, if there is a serious accident that is your fault, you could end up paying far too much in damages than it’s worth.

Contractors Liability recommends getting the right liability coverage for your company, HVAC contractor’s insurance is no exception if you work with air conditioning units, heating units, or ventilation systems. If you’re interested in finding this specific type of coverage, contact Contractors Liability give us a call for a 5-minute quote.

Contractors Liability recommends getting the right liability coverage for your company

Get the right protection for the job!

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What Does HVAC Contractor’s Insurance Cover?

While it is unlikely that a third-party or client can get injured during an installation or maintenance procedure, the aftereffects of shoddy work can cause health problems or structural damage that your company may be liable for if you’re not covered.

We have provided examples of common occurrences in the material below to explain how a claim against an HVAC contractor can be made:

  • Injuries to the Body:

    Injuries which directly affect a third party or client at your worksite.

    Example: Air conditioners must be consistently cleaned and sanitized during routine inspection. If an HVAC contractor fails to do this, a client may contract Legionnaire’s Disease, a bacterial infection that affects the respiratory system.

  • Damages to the Property:

    This includes any sort of damage directly related to whatever work was completed on the affected property.

    Example: A water heater is improperly installed and causes damage to the building it is meant to provide hot water for.

  • Personal Injury:

    Personal injuries are any sort of damages done to the reputation or image of a client based on your work.

    Example: The heating system of a local business is damaged during a routine maintenance call and is not reported. As a result, the building’s carbon monoxide detectors consistently go off, creating delays in productivity.

  • Advertising Injury:

    If a competitor loses assets due to false arguments made by your company in an advertisement, it can be considered an advertising injury.

    Example: An advertisement you approved states that your company alone offers ventilation repair, a local competitor sues for damages based on unfairly lost business.

  • Medical Payments:

    Due to the fault of an HVAC contractor, the third party or client has accrued medical bills.

    Example: An air conditioning failure after installation causes a resident to suffer heat stroke. An ambulance is called, rehydrating supplies like IVs are used, and there is a trip to the ER – all of which need to be paid by the contracting company for negligence.

What Other HVAC Contractors Had to Say About Getting Their Policy Through Contractors Liability…

Contractors Liability made the insurance process for our HVAC business seamless and stress-free. Their team was professional and extremely helpful, guiding us through every step. Highly recommend them!

John D.

Switching to Contractors Liability for our HVAC insurance was the best decision we’ve made. Their rates are competitive, and the customer service is outstanding. We’ve had peace of mind ever since.

Emily R.

I had a fantastic experience with Contractors Liability. They provided clear information and helped us get the best coverage for our HVAC company. The process was quick and efficient.

Michael S.

From start to finish, Contractors Liability exceeded our expectations. They found us the perfect insurance plan for our HVAC business, and their customer support was top-notch. Very satisfied!

Sarah P.

Contractors Liability provided us with excellent insurance solutions for our HVAC contracting business. Their team was knowledgeable and efficient, making the whole process smooth and hassle-free.

David K.

I’m very pleased with the service from Contractors Liability. They made getting insurance for our HVAC company straightforward and easy, with great rates and friendly support. Highly recommend!

Lisa M.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The following are common questions about HVAC contractor Insurance.

State law ultimately determines whether such insurance is mandatory or not. Sometimes general liability insurance is not required; however, it is highly recommended that you obtain HVAC contractor’s insurance regardless. In an accident that is your fault occurs, your reputation and your assets are covered – thanks to this form of specialized general liability.

Workers Compensation is a separate policy from HVAC contractor’s insurance because the latter covers only third parties and their property in the case of an accident. Specialized general liability is excellent at protecting you against slander, libel, or other defamation costs. However, you will need to purchase worker’s compensation if you want to cover employees that sustain an injury.

It’s not easy working on a rooftop or in a basement all day. We take your experiences into account and try to implement those risks into a plan that is yours and yours alone. When you work with Contractor’s Liability, you can be guaranteed to receive:

  • A-rated policies from insurance companies that you know and trust.
  • Customized plans cover all potential problems that might affect HVAC contractors.
  • Informed, licensed insurance agents with contracting experience are there to assist you.
  • Comprehensive coverage at prices you can afford.

E-Book Now Available

Learn the nuts and bolts of Contractors Insurance and how to protect your staff, your business and you.


Other Insurance Worth Considering

Builders Risk Insurance

Having builder’s risk insurance shows your clients that you are committed to taking care of their property and are covered for any potential losses.

Commercial Auto Insurance

Keep your business rolling smoothly with commercial auto insurance, covering damages and liability on the vehicles that drive your success.

Tools & Equipment Insurance

Your tools and equipment are the backbone of your business. Insure them with tools and equipment insurance to avoid setbacks and financial hardship.

Workers Compensation

Workers compensation insurance is essential for safeguarding your team from the unexpected. Show your employees they’re valued by securing a policy that protects them on and off the job.